You can’t see the shooter

Robert's Thoughts

Comments (11) / December 29, 2020

When I reviewed the year 2020 recently in an objective state of mind I was surprised by how many positive things have happened to me because of the pandemic.

I have become more introspective which helped me develop more empathy, something badly missing from my mental make-up. I managed to renew old friendships that I had neglected these last few years and I was able to hone my writing skills because I had more time to write.

Of course, I have regrets too.

I am sorry about having been robbed of the opportunity to live “normally” during most of the last twelve months, and about having had to say ‘good-bye’ to some of my friends whom Covid has claimed. And I very much regret having been prevented from holding my latest great-grandson in my arms…

For exercise, I walk around the lake and wave at the few people I meet along the way, but I don’t talk to them. They wear masks and I don’t know who they are; besides, as I walk, I am too busy thinking about the plot of the next book I am planning to write.

A friend sent me a very a propos poster the other day.


However threatening Covid 19 is, I console myself by remembering what my late friend, Ted, said when I visited him about a decade ago.

The weather was dreadful: strong gusts of wind were driving pellets of freezing rain into my face as I walked toward Ted’s house.

“What awful weather,” I said while shaking water from my umbrella in his kitchen.

“The weather is just fine,” he replied.

Puzzled, I asked “Have you looked outside?”

“The weather is just fine as long as there are no bullets flying,” he replied with a strong Polish accent. (He, like I, had seen battle during World War Two – he in Warsaw, I in Budapest).

He was right, of course.

Unfortunately, the problem with Covid19 is that YOU CAN’T SEE THE SHOOTER.

11 Responses to :
You can’t see the shooter

  1. Marika Kemeny says:

    A wonderful way to look at the world and at life, Robi. Happy new year!

  2. Peter Trutschmann and Corona a beer. says:

    and let’s hope Donald will be a duck again

  3. Lincsi says:

    Wishing you a good 2021 with good health and good friends. Looking forward to your new book 📖.
    Congratulations on the birth of your new great grand son.

  4. Zaven says:

    Dear RLH, you’re not only starting a new year with an objective state of mind, but also moving forward in the right direction ! Happy New Year to You and Yours.

  5. Jacob Potashnik says:

    Our thoughts are with that Generation which endured so much hardship in the last century – wars, pogroms, revolution, upheaval on a planetary scale, depressions, boom and busts – deracination of entire nations and peoples and the shock of the immigrant experience – and here we are, subsequent generations of spoiled, whiney, privileged, and pampered individuals who can’t be bothered to protect themselves and their own families, friends and neighbours by wearing a mask and keeping their distance! Absurd! Have we lost so much of our humanity? Has it been nudged aside by our material desires and comforts? The Lost Generation: The Sequel. Happy New Year old friend. Keep walking the lake, lighting lamps as you go.

  6. Over the last few months of our COVID world, every time someone says how “inconvenient” COVID has made their life, I keep reflecting on my parents and my extended family who had to endure WW2 just to keep everything we have gone through the last 9 months in proper perspective.

    Stay safe and healthy my old friend.

  7. Ken Brooks says:

    Well said. It is all about perspective. How we view the world is shaped by our experiences.
    wishing you the best for 2021!

  8. Rosalie mickle says:

    For me covid is an emotional rollercoaster!
    Some days I marvel at the ingenuity of mankind, I’m awed by all we have accomplished, all we’ve overcome. I’m humbled by the selfless acts of kindness, bravery & perseverance past & present♥️
    Then just like that puff 💨another day & I’m completely overwhelmed by the carnage we continue to perpetrate, not just upon each other but on all living creatures. The horror of things we are doing to this beautiful planet either knowingly or carelessly. The unbelievable pain & anguish of the innocent everywhere!
    How does one reconcile these opposing truths? Along with all ones own sins.
    Answer: non-resistance, non-judgement, non-attachment!
    My life’s work is cut out!
    Best wishes! Thank you for your ‘thought provoking’ words! best gift ever…good luck with your next book…Yay!!

  9. Erika says:

    I like your summing up life–past and present. No doubt you will hold your great-grandson in the near future–maybe by then he’ll even smile and know who you are.
    Keep writing, when you work, you don’t feel locked-in –at least I don’t when I’m writing. I’m in a whole other world then.
    And considering what us former Europeans went through during the last century, it’s amazing to me that this generation complains about having to stay at home! They should be grateful they have a home to stay in! And can guard their health by staying at home!
    So keep walking, keep writing, and Covid too shall pass…maybe you’ll have a new book written by then…

  10. Erika says:

    Great perspective on history and our current life.

  11. Erika says:

    Very clever! Loved the “web designer” spider insert.

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