A thriller set in the period from WWII to the fall of the Soviet Union blends finance, politics, love, and survival. In Landori’s sprawling novel, which relies heavily on flashbacks to provide backstory and uses many international locales, much of the action takes place during the Cold War.
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Kirkus Indie, Kirkus Media LLC
“A thrilling page turner from first to last with backdrops of South America, the Caribbean and Europe — an exotic mix.”
Chairman of the Arts Society, Monmouthshire, UK
“Robert Landori delivers again. In his ninth thriller he takes us on an international ride filled with intrigue, danger, and suspense … written in a style reminiscent of John LeCarre. Would make a fascinating TV Series.”
Ex Chairman of Lions Gate Films
“WHITEWASH is a fascinating, suspenseful and highly entertaining story about an NSA ‘asset’ who, during five decades, while serving his masters at Foggy Bottom (the US State Department) in the Americas and Europe, repeatedly changes ‘persona’ like a chameleon. If you like to read about history and are into international intrigue and spy-craft don’t walk – run – to buy this book.”
National Geographic Photographer and Author of over two dozen books